Friday, March 22, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Does Tyrek Evans have another child on the way? rumor has it that he has gotten alleged Fashion designer/Escort Angel Brinks pregnant? less then one after having a child with another unidentified young lady, people are saying he's expecting with the Vegas entrepreneur.
Word is angel went crazy on Evans when she discovered he was expecting a child with the other female, but decided to continue on with the unexpected pregnancy, Mr. Evans is playing on dangerous grounds having two babies in one year!
French Montana and Trina? has Rapper Trina found herself another sponsor? or a boyfriend for the moment? It seems like the Miami base rapper is attracted to married, unavailable, popular celebrity man, who have no means of making her the main chick, or better yet #1 let's sit back and watch how fast this relationship ends, in order for any relationship to become successful is to be private. Dating a man that's in the Entertainment industry and want the courtship to sustain the duration of more then two weeks, you have to not allow anyone to know him personally, or even his name, and or occupation.
The less a individual knows about your private life, the less they can say about you personally. Trina is mature enough to know these facts, from past fail relationships, there's no significant need for anybody to know who your are involved with romantically, I respect females like actress Michael Michelle, she's married, but to whom? Sade is another female artist that has been married, but you will never see, or know the personal background of her spouse. that's how you stay in a committed relationship.
Ms. Taylor can have any man she wants, but she needs to make the man work harder for her, and value her time more. When us as women get passed 30yrs old, we should become more serious in regards who we allow into our lives, and bedrooms, Trina needs to settle with a non-celebrity gentlemen and enjoy life, out of the fast lane!
During the start of Ike and Tina's career, having a polished look was very important, so whatever city they stopped in during their long and exhausting tour days they would send Tina and the Ikettes to the local black beauty parlor. One day in 1959 Tina wanted to change her look, because they where getting a lot of gigs and with that, you have to look the part! Ike always said, that if you stayed ready, you don't have to get ready! with that in mind, the girls were always up on the latest hair trends, and Wigs were not that popular at the time, now this is prior to the Motown/ Supremes era, when wearing a wig was a sign of significances, wealth, style and class. Women where ashamed to admit that they where sporting fake hair. So one day Tina decided to try chemicals for the first time ever, and it was the start of her life-long love affair and obsession with wigs, weaves, hair pieces and the start of her hair loss.
Tina went to have her hair bleached, for the first time, she never had her hair professionally styled before, so this was a exciting trip for her, being her first time, and trying hair color as well unknown to her, a 13yr old girl, who was helping her mother in the shop, applied pure devil's lye to Tina's hair, lye was Red Devil's lye, a white potato, and Ivory Snowflakes, blended and applied to a greased scalp, for protection. is a term that was used to describe relaxer/ perm and as the hair dresser took the bleaching cap off, all of Tina's hair fell completely out of her scalp, prompting her and the girls to come up with a fast, and quick solution this is when she started wearing wings!
Ike Turner liked it and said it would be part of the show from then on, it became part of her persona.! Wigs became so important to Tina, that one of the only times she left Ike for a couple of days after he beat her for buying a wig he told her she couldn’t have. Ike believed that the wigs where extremely important to the girls image, and that he would pay upwards $250-4500.00 for custom made hair pieces from Japan. After years of wearing wigs, Tina had barley any edges left, but her natural hair grew back after the bleaching incident she and the other Ikettes, would wash their hair once a week ,or so with Glover's Mane Shampoo and condition the scalp with Sulfur 8 hair grease.
They would corn roll the hair either to the scalp, or around in a circle, and then sew, or safety pin a pair of old nylons To the entire head, now this is before hair weaves, hair extensions, then they would either use one or two technique's, bobby pens, or needle and thread to secure the wig onto the head. Ike made sure the girls received new wigs every other month, and if you left the group, or got fired you had to either sell your wigs to another Ikette, or pay Ike the retail price of the hair piece. Tina started to wear wigs and liked having instantly long hair and could have whatever style she wanted, so she continued to wear wigs/weaves even after her hair grew back. She still wears wigs to this day.
Ike was obsessed about the appearance of the group, especially Tina and the girls, he would give out nightly lectures on how he wanted everyone to appear on stage, and that means you had to look fantastic! He believed that the way you looked represented him as a bandleader and front man, he way would say, he didn't want anyone messing up his name, he would often say that the way his band looked and perform is a reflection of him. So right before a show Ike would walk behind a unexpected Ikette and snatch her wig from her head! And if the wig came off, you were handed a $50.00-$100.00 fine, it was deducted from your weekly paycheck, one Ikette was fined so many times, until the end of the tour she owed Ike!
Tina's wig only came off once, and that was during a concert, her and the Revue had in Oakland California for the Black Panthers, one of the Panthers love the view from the stage and decided to risk his life by touching Tina inappropriately on her legs, while she was performing on stage, once Ike saw the dude touching his star Turner and the entire band got into a all out fight, prompting a riot at the club, Tina fought off twelve Panthers single handed, and that was the only time in Rock and Roll History the Queen lost her Crown!
Tina who lives in Europe, is still serious about her hair. According to the her hair stylist, Tina described her wigs as being a part of her. She said that she purchases her hair from Spain and has it cut, colored and shaped to her specifications, there's report that she had wigs made of Sable Mink, blended with Italian hair during the 1980's and she has custom made hair pieces that cost upwards of $20,000-$60,000 depending on the occasion!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Last year I met infamous, ex-drug dealer Ricky "Freeway" Ross on February 2, 2012 in Detroit last year, we exchange numbers, and talked about his life story coming to the big screen. He told me briefly that he was very interested in Jamie Foxx portraying him on the big screen, but Foxx was unable, due to his commitment to Django and how strict Quentin Tarantino is when a actor is involved is his movies. So I suggested Lorenz Tate, I feel like its time for Lorenz to get the Oscar.
He also mentioned how difficult it was for him to secure a African American director, to come on board and direct the film, he said that John Singleton was involved at one point, and even Antoine Fuqua, but he was going to have a sit down with director Michael Mann.
Last night a YouTube video was uploaded by Ross and Cannon announcing to the world that Nick is going to portray Ross.
Nick announced "We family now, we are going to get this thing right. However long it takes, his story has got to be told."
Whatever happened to writer Tony Tuner? after writing two books detailing his years as a road manager, groupie, of The Temptations, and The Supremes the issue I had with his books is that a majority of the stories seems fabricated.
It's extremely difficult for a13 year-old being able to have access to the hottest female group in the world. Secondly how did he become involved as a adult with Motown artist. As for his claims about friendship with David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks, that too, seems a bit hard to believe. I notice that in every example of his "close" relationship with these stars, all 3 were deceased when he wrote those books.
All That Glittered: My Life with the Supremes and Deliver Us From Temptation: The Tragic and Shocking Story of the Temptations and Motown. I read both books years ago and recall the book being more about David Ruffin than the Temptations. After the release of the book Delivery Us from Temptations, there was some controversy surrounding it before it came out Turner subsequently wrote Temptations book and then was going to write a super juicy tell-all about Motown founder Berry Gordy, but Gordy threatened to sue Turner has implied he had affairs with male and female Motown employees.
Author Tony Turner, who was a Motown groupie during the Supremes Reign Turner, who died of AIDS, released a lot of personal and private stories about Motown Founder Berry Gordy and the Motown empire. then-Daily News gossip columnist George Rush at the time, published Turner’s allegations. Gordy sought legal action and sued the News for $250 million. The suit went on for several years but was eventually settled over a round of golf at the Bel-Air Country Club in Los Angeles between Gordy and News publisher Mort Zuckerman.
The Jackson Five produced a girl group in 1974. They were a family of four sisters from Ohio called MDLT (Maxine, Diane, Laverne, Tina) Willis. They had one release on Joe Jackson’s Ivory Tower International Records label called “What’s Your Game.” It’s rumored that they were blackballed from the industry because one of the girls tried to seduce Michael.
It was around this time that I remember Joeseph Jackson managed a band called MDLT Willis. It was a girl group and it seemed that Joseph and the Jackson brothers were hell bent on getting Michael to lose his virginity. So it was arranged for one of the girls to go into Michael’s hotel room and seduce him. But Michael had no interest in the girl or, it seems sex. The girl was so angry that she pushed him out on the balcony, according to Rose Fine, who tutored Michael at the time. She had to stop the concert tour because of this…Michael was frazzled and everyone else seemed puzzled.
*from Michael Jackson: The Man Behind The Mask by Bob Jones with Stacy Brown.*
“During an Eddie Kendricks and David Ruffin performance, almost right smack in the middle, an older woman barged up to me and demanded, “I must speak to Eddie Kendricks at once,” to which I replied, “Miss, can’t you see Eddie is still on stage.” The woman threw back her shoulders haughtily and said, “I must be taken backstage. Immediately.” She was in the company of another female, somewhat quieter but just as old. They were both dolled up with tons of blatantly synthetic hair weaved on in the wrong way, and the uppity one had taken it upon herself not to be just an Eddie Kendricks groupie but Eddie Kendrick’s sister. I stared at her and knew decisively that this crass and vulgar woman was probably no sister to anybody, and especially not to Eddie Kendricks. “I won’t be kept waiting!” she screamed. “You will be sorry. Do you understand who I am?” Smiling, I replied, “I’m trying.” She made an attempt to force her way through security while lunging at me, all the while swearing that she was going to get backstage, no matter what .
“Fine, I told her. But let me tell you something. You’re going to wait here until we say you can go up, if and when.” ”I’ll have your job for this!” she screamed. After many vulgar displays of screaming and pushing, the women finally did get into Eddie and David’s dressing room. How, I never found out. The uppity one approached Eddie and said, “Eddie, I don’t know who this motherfucking boy is you have working for you but you need to fire him because I’m sick of his shit and I want you, Eddie Kendricks, to fire him.” Eddie, very elegantly tall and trim, just turned to her and said, “Who are you talking about?” “The one over there,” she said, pointing at me. I was talking to David at the time. A few hours later, back at the hotel, I had an urgent call from Eddie. “Tony, he whispered, “would you please come up here and throw these women out of my room.”
Excusing myself from the crowd in David’s suite, I immediately changed into my throwing-her-ass out outfit.–a dramatic raw silk suit and high, fringed suede boots–and dashed into Eddie’s suite, where I found both women ensconced. Miss Fake Fur and Hair had taken off her shoes, she had her stockingless feet up on the glass and chrome coffee table, and she was looking over the room service menu, fixing to order for everyone like she was paying the bills. The other woman had already unbuttoned her blouse. They were in there for the kill. I informed Eddie that we were due in a staff meeting in Dennis’ suite in five minutes. The women begged to stay but I politely stated that our meetings could go on for hours on end and I didn’t think they were the type of ladies, as lovely as they may be, to let harsh morning light find you in a gentleman’s suite. I told them to please leave! This time Thundermouth didn’t try me, nor did her partner. They just got up on their too small high heels and left in a hurry.
Former employee of Anthony Bosch claims a Mr.Paul picked up items from the clinic on a monthly basis , and when he paid the initials L.J. where used in the bookkeeping log.. Why would that be suspicious? Well Lebron's best friend and agent's name is Rich Paul …
More proof that the american sports world is a mess. You’ve heard some words from Incarcerated Bob on twitter saying that some more names were linked with the whole scandal that rocked the world earlier this year, A Rod being the biggest of them all. But before getting to the dirty part, let’s put up a little background story. Introducing first our guest on the line : Jessica. She had been introduced to Anthony Bosch by mutual friends before beginning to work for him from April 2010 to February 2012 as an assistant before leaving the company. She was in charge of keeping track of pretty much every financial transfer in Bosch’s clinic. And, rightfully so, she contacted Incarcerated Bob to let the world know what she saw while working at this alleged "PED's" clinic.
Here’s some details about the things she kept track of :
Incarcerated Bob : What names stood out to you ?
Jessica : LJ, JN, Francisco, Cruz ..
Incarcerated Bob : These were the name that you just had
and were told to put in the books ?
Jessica : Yes.
Incarcerated Bob : How did that work, money would come
in ? Did Mr Bosch tell you to put some initials in the books ?
Jessica : Yes. Like LJ, someone named Mr Paul would come
in and Mr Bosch would give a check to put in the book LJ as being “payed for the month”.
Our guest added later that this Mr Paul came every month, once a month,
taking products for LJ. She told IBN Sports Wrap that Mr Paul was a friend of LeBron James and what we know for sure is that one of LJB’s closest friend's AND agent is Rich Paul. She also pointed out that some of her
coworkers were 100% sure that Lebron James was a client of the instute and was the LJ in question. But here are more details :
Incarcerated Bob : Now, you also said a JN who did that
stand for ?
Jessica : Jameer Nelson.
Incarcerated Bob : How do you know JN is Jameer Nelson ?
Jessica : Well, he came to the office.
Incarcerated Bob : So you’re saying Jameer Nelson came
in person ?
Jessica : Yes
Incarcerated Bob : What did he take ? Did he make a
payment ?
Jessica : Yes, he took products.
Incarcerated Bob : Did he actually pay ?
Jessica : Yeah, he paid in cash.
Our guest officially identified Jameer Nelson, player of the
Orlando Magic who had come in person to Anthony Bosch’s office numerous times and later confirmed that she was indeed telling the truth about both him and LeBron James. Answering a question from Incarcerated Bob, the former Biogenesis bookkeeper told IBN that she was instructed to destroy all the files when the investigations began on Mr Bosch’s clinic and our guest had been explicitly asked to erase the initials and the name (JN, LJ, Francisco ..) from files/bookkeeping logs.
In my view too many things add up for this to be a coincidence , we have a smoking gun who physically saw one NBA star (Jameer Nelson) and who saw a Mr. Paul make payments for someone who had the initials L.J. -- Meanwhile the best friend for (Lebron James) is non other than Rich Paul.. Something smells real fishy in South Beach and it's not those late night Miami escorts. The NBA clearly has a steroid problem and the biggest superstar in the game looks involved. Fans deserve a thorough investigation and possibly future testing league wide.
- See more at:
IBN Sports Wrap - IBN Exclusive : Lebron James Linked To Steroids Clinic by Incarcerated Bob
Porn star Beauty Dior has a radio show hitting the airs soon, she's exposing the lies, telling stories, and revealing what goes on behind the scene in the porn industry!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
Young, black, rich, & Dangerous
In the 1993 Movie What's Love Got to do with it?, a lot of information was left out of the actual story, when I first seen the movie as a 15yr old I, thought of Ike Turner as a abusive, conning, obsessive, dominating, jealous, wife beating, ambitions, crazed, coke head.
Well, the movie depicted Anna Mae Bullock as a innocent, naive, virgin, who fell into stardom by accident. Anna was no fool, she was talented, hard working, and most of all she had ambitions, she knew of Ike Turners reputation before she became his " JUMPOFF"!. her sister Aileen was working for Ike at his club, and allegedly she was sleeping with him, including Tina's best friend from high school, she knew Ike was a married man, had the keys to at lease 30 women's houses in East St. Louis, and would smack the shit out of anyone, male or female if they got out of line! Tina's high school friend later had a daughter by Ike, named Twanna. Tina played the home girl, little sister role to the fullest, hanging around the club, going over to Ike's house, dating several guys in the band, and even beating up, Ike's other girlfriends, mistresses, jumpoff's when they got out of line! he would pay her $5.00 for the deeds, and even place bets on her, because he knew Tina could fight! Ike would pay her $5.00, but would eventually end up making upwards $500.00
In 1958, eighteen-year-old Tina became a mother for the first time, giving birth to her son Craig in August of that year. Craig was the offspring of Tina's and Kings of Rhythm saxophonist Raymond Hill. The news of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy and her performances with the Kings of Rhythm
Initially, Turner's relationship with Ike Turner was friendly. Following the birth of her first child, Ike eventually allowed Tina to move in at his home in East St. Louis. During this early period, Ike began helping Tina with her voice. Initially neither Ike nor Tina felt attraction for the other: Tina thought Ike was not the ideal-looking man while Ike dismissed Tina as being "too skinny". Tina later acknowledged that Ike favored curvaceous women. Ike was still married to Lorraine Taylor during t
This unexpected pregnancy caused her mother Zelma to kick her out of her house. she begin work at the local hospital, as a candy striper, renting a filthy, dark, cold, garage from a elderly women for $30.00 a month. After Tina and her infant became seriously ill, Ike offered to help her out financially.
Tina asked Hill for support, he in return attacked her, upon hearing this news, Ike and six of his boys went into a rang of angry, and beat, stomped, and broke both of Hills legs. members of the Kings of Rhythm felt like Little Anne, which everybody called her, was like a kid sister, besides she just had his first child, how dare he hit her?
Hill was forced to return to his hometown of Clarksdale and never returned back. Shortly after that, Tina moved into Ike Turner's house in East St. Louis. She became apart of the family, taking care of Ike's and Lorraine's for boys, including her own, in which the Turners treated like their very own child, handling financial expenses, medical, clothing, etc. Within a couple of years, Tina was pregnant with Ike's child, and their son, Ronald, was born in October 1960. After moving in with Turner in 1962, she became the stepmother of Ike's sons, Ike, Jr. (b. 1958) and Michael (b. 1959). Turner was pregnant again with Ike's child in 1968, but after discovering that her friend,
Ikette member Ann Thomas, and the future Ms. Ike turner was also carrying Ike's baby, daughter Mia Nicole Turner born 1969 she quietly had her baby aborted Ike.
Tina was very submissive to Ike, she allowed him to be with other women, as she did the same, even as going as far as to share the same females, in the band from time to time, Tina was no angle, nor was she stupid, she allowed Ike to do as he please, because in her eyes she was #1.
but from time to time, she would get fed up, and fight the other girls, in once incident, she had just finished a show in Oakland, this is around the time Ikette Ann Thomas entered the group, she exited off the stage, and attacked Anne, hitting her with a makeup case in her face, then cocking her, in front of the entire band. If Ike became too friendly with a female acquittance, Tina would either hate her or become close friends with her, like a young white girl Ike hired in the mid-seventies name Rhonda.
When Tina eventually left like, she went to stay with Rhoda, Ike found out, blew up Rhonda's Yellow Corvette he purchased for her, and threw a bomb into her house, Ike brought her. until this day Rhonda is still on Tina's payroll acting as her tour manager. Ike accused them of being lovers!
Tina was with Ike from 1960-1976, if this man was so abusive, how could you last 16yrs with him?
what time did he have to make you a star if he was beating you every 5 minutes? Tina was a very strong women, she would never allow Ike to simply beat her, she would fight back, and even start the fights with him. Some women enjoy being beat by man, its a sign of love, attention, affection to females with low self esteem. Tina had so many wealthy famous, successful man chasing after her, why would you stay with a abusive, drug addicted, womanizer? because she wanted that
Turner was married at least five times. He sometimes claimed to have been married 19 times. marriages as early as 15yrs old he claimed. Turner's first marriage was to an Edna Dean Taylor from Ruleville Mississippi, while he was still in his teens. she later passed away from a drug overdose, in the summer of 2010, her family blamed him. He then married a woman called Rosa Lee Sane. The marriage took place in West Memphis. In 1953 he married pianist and singer Bonnie Mae Wilson, who was part of the Kings of Rhythm, but after two years she left him for another man.[3] After Bonnie he became involved with Anna Mae Wilson, another female pianist in the band, whom he married in the mid 1950s. His next marriage was to Lorraine Taylor, who had two sons with Ike.
The facts surrounding his marriage to Anna Mae Bullock (Tina Turner), have been very publicly debated, along with the accusations of abuse of his wife by Turner. Tina left the relationship after another violent argument on the way to a concert in 1976.[ Their divorce was finalized in 1978.[80] In Tina Turner's 1986 autobiography, she accused Ike of violent spousal abuse. In a 1985 interview Turner admitted, "Yeah I hit her, but I didn't hit her more than the average guy beats his wife...If she says I abused her, maybe I did." In his 1999 autobiography he worded this slightly differently; "Sure, I've slapped Tina... There have been times when I punched her to the ground without thinking. But I have never beat her."
Turner claimed on more than one occasion he had never been officially married to Bullock. In an 1985 interview with Spin Magazine, Turner stated "As God is my judge, of all my wives, Tina is the only one I was never legally married to." He stated that she took his name in order to discourage a former lover from returning to her.[ In his autobiography Turner wrote "We didn't recognize marriages", which Margaret Moser believes "is true by the rural Southern standards of the times".
Turner married former Ikette Margaret Ann Thomas in the early 1980s.[ After his release from prison
Ike was met at the prison gate by blues singer Jeanette Bazzell who later became his wife. With Jeanette's support, Ike enjoyed a long period of sobriety. In 1995, they were married after years of courtship. Ike and Jeanette divorced in 2001 but remained friends. In 2006, he married long-time music collaborator Audrey Madison. She divorced him but reconciled with him before his death.
He has six known children: sons Ike Jr. and Michael (with Lorraine Taylor) and Ronald/"Ronnie" (with Tina Turner), and daughter Mia (with Ann Thomas). Mia Turner was conceived and born during Ike's marriage to Tina in the late 1960s. Tina's son Craig (fathered by saxophonist Raymond Hill) carries the Turner name. Ike Turner also has two other daughters: Linda Trippeter, who is the eldest; and Twanna Turner Melby, who took him in after he was released from prison.
Following Tina's ascent to solo success, Ike would accuse Tina of not being a good mother to her children, even alleging that Tina had sent Michael to a mental hospital after he had entered Tina's home allegedly to have her and Ike reunite as a couple, family.Tina later denied Ike's allegations and "he gave me those children and not a penny to look after them with". Tina went back to square one, cleaning peoples houses, like she done for the Turners.
Was the book I, TINA released to overshadow the man/ mentor who made a homeless, single mother a star, of course! Tina wanted to get the last laugh against Ike, she felt like having the most successful comeback in Music History was not enough, she wanted to through dirt on his name, assassinate his character, but why? isn't this the same man, you almost died for? being caught in bed, in his house by his wife Lorraine, and standing in front of a loaded gun, to defend his honor? or sneaking out of the hospital three days after giving birth to his son Ronnie, on Wednesday and being on stage Saturday evening was it worth it?
Ike Turner, died in December 2007, and no Tina did not attend her mentors, best friend, baby daddy's funeral. A lot of her actions are very questionable, she seemed more like his bottom bitch, then his main bitch, to speak in Pimp terms! but I have to give credit, where credit do, Ms Tina Turner, gave the instructions to all future Jumpoff's, mistresses, baby mama;s, side chicks, that's if your going do it, land in the history books for it! and most importantly have enough material to write a book or fictional movie about it!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The Hudson Family
The Suge rmama you would kill for!
I, love the TruTv channel and have always, said that fact is way better then fiction, but this story takes the cake! I cannot believe Hollywood has not gotten their hands on this true story Mossler case was sensational story of murder, intrigue it would easily become a Oscar worthy film!
Candace Mossler and her nephew Melvin Lane Powers, with whom she was having an incestuous affair, were charged with the killing of Candy's millionaire husband, Jacques Mossler, in his Key Biscayne, Fl, condo on June 29, 1964. Candace Mossler and her husband were separated at the time of his murder. Jacques Mossler had considered suing Powers and divorcing his wife but, upon consultation with his lawyer, had decided against doing so in order to avoid the negative publicity and losing half of his fortune to Candace. At the time of her husband's murder, she was on a $5,000 a week stipend allocated for household upkeep.
During initial interviews with police officers, Candace Mossler asserted that she believed her husband's death was a result of a burglary gone wrong. However, when the officers stated they believed the murder was a crime of passion, stating the fact that Jacques Mossler had been stabbed over thirty times before being bludgeoned over the head with a glass bowl, Candace changed her story, saying that she believed that her husband had been a closet homosexual, and had been cheating on her with another man who could have possibly committed the crime. As her husband had been found wearing only a bath robe, officers pursued this lead until they found Jacques' diary, which cast suspicion directly upon his wife and his nephew.[2]
Media Coverage and Trial
America's newspapers and magazines took note of the salacious case, and a drumbeat began to build for indictment of Candace Mossler. It finally came on July 20, 1965. Candy Mossler and Melvin Powers were defended by lawyer Percy Foreman, a high-profile attorney who later defended James Earl Ray, the man convicted of killing Martin Luther King, Jr.. As her assets—the assets she inherited via Jacques Mossler—were frozen at the time of her arrest pending the investigation of Jacques' death, Candace paid Foreman's retainer with jewelry, diamonds, and furs that had been bought for her by her late husband before their separation.Candy Mossler had flown to Rochester prior to her arrest in order to undergo treatment at the Mayo Clinic for migraines, but agreed to fly to Miami to surrender, rather than risk the indignity of a surprise arrest. Accompanied by a private nurse and wearing a Mayo Clinic wrist identification band, she flew from Minnesota to Miami International Airport, where she was treated to a genteel arrest by a state police commander. A mighty press contingent had gathered at the airport, and Candy gave them plenty of her toothpaste-model smiles. When reporters confronted her with allegations of adultery, incest, and murder, she simply replied, "Well, nobody's perfect."
Candy, a bouncy, former-model with platinum blond hair and a southern accent was notable for her on-camera charm. While jail inmates shouted obscenities at her she would smile and blow kisses at the cameras.
She rented two adjoining apartments named the White Hall Apartments on the North West side of town, and her children joined her. Meanwhile, investigators in Texas and Florida continued working for months to string together evidence. Each thread seemed to lead to Mel Powers, Candy Mossler, or both.
Police officers turned up four witnesses who claimed the lovers solicited a hit on "the old mooch." The investigators lined up a long list of witnesses - neighbors, employees, hotel clerks - who said they saw Mel and Candy share affectionate moments. Cops found a photographic record of Candy and Mel's travels - souvenir snapshots from nightclubs, ski slopes, concerts.
The court room was filled to maximum capacity with spectators every day of the murder trial, people bringing their lunches with them and eating during court processions in order to retain their seats all day.The subject matter was considered illicit enough that people under the age of 21 were turned away. During the course of their trial, lawyer Percy Foreman declined to call any witnesses to the stand, in direct contrast to the district attorney, who called a number of questionably relevant witnesses—and only gave a closing statement which, by many accounts, was extremely compelling.
Both Mossler and Powers were acquitted Police officers and the district attorney's office declined to continue the search for Jacques' murderers afterwards, as they continued to stand by their initial conclusion that Candace and her lover had committed the crime.Eventually, Powers and Mossler drifted apart.
Later Life
Mossler died of an accidental overdose of migraine medication in 1976 and is survived by her adopted children Martha, Daniel, and Edward, 6 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren.Deeply sedated, she died in her sleep. The body was found the next morning. Her corpse was flown back to
Ice-T Reportedly Files Separation From CoCo
Traci Morrow aka Ice-T has filed separation papers from his wife Coco Austin the actor/ rapper quoted saying, I can’t unbreak my heart, but I can take that azz back tho” said an obviously hurt Ice T in front of a courthouse after filing for divorce from his wife of 11 years after pictures of her kissing a fan surfaced online.
“She can have the money, the house, but them t*tties is mine” Ice T said after explaining that hitting her where it hurts will do more damage than leaving her broke ever would. “I’ma let her start March off with nobody and no body.” Ice T wants her assets delivered to the doorstep of his New Jersey estate no later than March 1st or any monetary support Coco would receive from the divorce will be withdrawn.
Allegedly Coco has been getting buck wild, since landing a gig in Las Vegas, and the incident involving the rapper AP.9, was the last straw!
Rihanna and Chris The Truth......
Yesterday's episode of Law and Order SUV , was life intimadating art. The story was based on Chris Brown and Rihanna's relationship. But theirs never been a news outlet to tell the truth about what really took place on that night 4yrs ago. The explosive fight started over Rihanna receiving a text message from rapper Kanye West. West whom was engaged to fiancee Alex Phiefer at the time, was also seeing Rihanna on the side as well. Brown was enraged at the thought of Rihanna sleeping with west, to the point he wanted to scare her for life. There was no need for an overabundance of evidence, the mental, physical, and emotional scarring was enough to convict Brown on felony assault. This was not the first time they have engaged in a domestic altercation, Rihanna is known for having a short temper as well, but on February 11, 2009 Brown got the best of her, and made sure she paid for disrespecting him, in his eyes. Once a abuser, always a abuser, it never stops.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Johnnie Mae Matthews was born December 31, 1922, in Bessemer, Alabama. She learned to sing in her church choir, and also performed with her mother at military bases throughout the Deep South. When she was twelve years old, the family relocated to New Jersey, and in 1947 Matthews left her parents home and moved to Detroit, Michigan where she married and started her own family. In 1957 she joined a local quintet called the Five Dapps, assuming lead vocals on "You're So Unfaithful," which was the B-side of their 1958 debut single, "Do Wop a Do". The Instrumental backing on the record was done by pianist Joe Hunter, who would frequently collaborate with Matthews in the years to follow, and later led Motown's famed studio band, the Funk Brothers 1950s.
In 1958, Matthews formed her own record label, dubbed the “Northern Recording Company”. Headquartered in an office at 2608 Blaine in Detroit, just a few blocks from her home, she used $85 borrowed from her husband's paycheck to become the first African-American woman to own and operate her own label. With sessions typically recorded at either nearby “Special Studio” or at radio station WCHB, Northern Recording Company was largely used as a vehicle to launch her own solo recording career. Her first release, "Dreamer", in 1959, was credited to “Johnnie Mae Matthews & the Daps”. Her follow-up single, "Mr. Fine", featured on its B-side, a song named "Someday", which was a solo tune by local singer Chet Oliver.
Motown Records founder, Berry Gordy has often credited Matthews with teaching him the ropes of the recording industry. He acknowledged her assistance in helping land a distribution deal with “Chess Records” for “The Miracles” 1959 hit "Bad Girl". Matthews also fostered the early careers of such future Motown stars as David and Jimmy Ruffin. Some say that she is the un-credited author of Mary Wells’ breakthrough hit, "Bye Bye Baby." It's impossible to know how differently Matthews' own recording career might have turned out had she accepted any of invitations of Berry Gordy to record for Motown, particularly during the mid-'60s, when she was delivering some of her finest material, most notably "Lonely You'll Be" and "Cut Me Loose," in 1967, the latter of which was subsequently licensed for national distribution on the Atco Records label.[6]
In her 1960 tune, "So Lonely," Matthews dropped the Dapps altogether. She then, quickly followed up with her second solo, "Ooh Wee Baby." On both of these recordings she was backed by a band called the “Groovers”, a group that was led by Joe Hunter, and also included bassist James Jamerson, guitarist Eddie Willis, saxophonist Eli Fontaine, and drummer Uriel Jones, all of who would become staples of Motown's greatest sessions as members of the, now famous, Funk Brothers Band. Northern also nurtured the early career of Richard Wylie whose backup group, the Mohawks, included Norman Whitfield who later became one of Motown's most visionary songwriters and producers.Also in 1960 the label issued "Come On," the debut single by “The Distants” who were later renamed “The Temptations”. In time, Northern spun off a series of sister labels, most notably “Reel”, which was the label of several of Ms. Matthews’ singles, such as "Oh, Baby", "No One Can Love Me the Way You Do", "The Headshrinker", and "Come Home", all of which were released in 1961. In 1963 Reel issued "I Don't Want Your Love", a duet that paired Matthews and Timmy Shaw, her longtime songwriting collaborator who is best known for his 1964 solo effort "Gonna Send You Back to walking", a song which was later recorded by “The Animals” and a few other artists. However, Matthews' biggest hit, "My Special Angel", in 1962, appeared, not on her own labels, but rather, on the New York-based “Sue Records” label.
In 1963 she hired manager Ollie McLaughlin, who had previously launched the career of “Barbara Lewis”. McLaughlin brought Matthews to the attention of Mercury Records’ new Blue Rock subsidiary, where he eventually produced both of her singles for that label, "Baby, What's Wrong", and "My Man (The Sweetest Man in the World)". He also produced her lone “Spokane” label effort, "Worried About You".During the late '60s Matthews also cut a series of excellent singles for her “Big Hit” label, including "I Have No Choice", "My Momma Didn't Lie", and "Don't Be Discouraged".
However, as the decade of the sixties came to a close, so did Northern Recording Company and all of her subsidiaries, and as the 1970s were being ushered in, Matthews turned her attention to “Black Nasty” an up and coming funk group that featured two of her children, Artwell and Aubrey. In 1973, Matthews produced the band's only album, “Talking to the People”, which was released on the “Stax” record label.
“Black Nasty” was later renamed “The ADC Band” and the group resurfaced in 1978 with the R&B smash "Long Stroke". Encouraged by their success, Matthews revived Northern Recording Company around this time, with the ADC Band supplying the musical backing on the disco-inspired tune "It's Good", which was later re-issued on the “Cotillion Records” label for national distribution. After one final Northern effort, 1980s "I Can Feel It," she closed the label for good, effectively ending her recording career.[
Matthews died after a long bout with cancer on January 6, 2002. She was 79 years old.
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Elbert "Al" Bryant Oct. 1975 |
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David Ruffin June 1991 |
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Paul Williams Aug 1973 |
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